More Quotes

After playing around with the children’s drawing app I thought it was time to have a go with a more grown up version. We decided on ArtRage (I think they had a sale on!) It has lots of different brushes and pens etc. Also you can create separate layers and manipulate them independently which makes it easier for correcting mistakes.

Yesterday I tried writing freehand and my ever loving but brutally honest husband said it looked like a 5 year old had done it – to be fair he was right; we dont have a pen for the iPad so I was writing with my finger and it wasn’t good.

Today I realised I could type out the text in word and then trace it and delete the typed layer which worked much better.

This is for Eli’s room it’s from Where the Wild Things Are which is one of our favourites

I’m not sure what I’m going to do with this one yet, thanks for the quote Nell, I love it. I was inspired by this  illustration.


I love the fact that they look like I’ve painted them when in fact I’ve been sat on the sofa all evening!


Please don’t download the images for comercial use (i’m sure you can make your own!) Thanks

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