Christmas Tree Play-Dough

This was advent day 5. I did this last year but I added the glitter and sequins etc in myself first – this year’s worked much better (of course Boo is a year older so it could just be that he understands what’s going on a bit more)

I made the play-dough using the recipe from Counting Coconuts – if you haven’t seen this blog before have a good look around it’s amazing!! Boo helped me with the mixing because I didn’t actually get it ready the night before! I need to get some better food colouring because my play-dough always comes out really pastel colours.

We used a cookie cutter to make the trees.
Then sprinkled on glitter – he was really good at just putting a bit on.


Then we added sequins and buttons to decorate

I love the way he can develop an activity himself. He decided they were cookies and put them in the oven to cook

Don’t they look delicious!

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