Table Activities

After last week’s whinge about the lack of afternoon nap I’ve been thinking  about the best ways to use our afternoons. I figured that if I was a childminder or teaching a pre-school class, as well as encouraging choice in free play, I would probably set up some activities for the children to access during the session. So I decided to set up daily ‘table activities’

Eli generally uses the dining table for messy play and we have a side table in the living room that doesn’t get much use so I set up an activity to do on both tables for the days when we had nothing else on.

This week there was nothing new, Eli has a lot of toys that haven’t had much of an outing lately so I simply set these out on the tables.

Water colours in a colouring book



Play dough pizza. He’s played with this a lot this week but there are no action photos for some reason.


Letter puzzle


After he’d finished with his puzzle Eli decided that since the table was in the middle of the room he should make himself some pasta on it. I guess moving the furniture is another simple way to encourage play.


It was a good week, nothing took a massive effort so I wasn’t disappointed if he didn’t fancy it and we’ve played with a better range of toys which makes it more fun for both of us!


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