Karen from Two Tiny Hands tagged me in a ‘blogger tag’ (I didn’t know what one was either 😉 – she’s sent me some questions to answer and then I have to tag some new people) I’ve really enjoyed connecting with Karen in the last few weeks – I think we have a fairly similar parenting style and I like joining up with her Mess and Play linky and finding new things to do with Little Miss.
How long have you been blogging and what is your best and worst thing about it?
I started blogging early in 2010 when my oldest (E) was 1. I pretty much used it as a record of things that I’d made and activities that I did with him. I didn’t even share it with anyone for ages it was purely a journal and a way of storing memories really.
Bamm Boo was started in 2012 and was part of a ‘shop’ where I customised hoodies for children. (We moved some of the older posts over but not all of them). Eventually I closed that shop and continued to blog intermittently. At the beginning of October this year I decided to make a bigger effort to blog.
I love to write, I miss the creative outlet I got from teaching and writing is something I can do easily at anytime – so that’s what I love about blogging. I’ve also enjoyed linking up with other creative people and being able to ‘socialise’ while I’m in the house with a sleeping child. My personality means I tend to obsess other things and so for me the worst thing about it is that it’s so easy to obsess over trying to get people to read what I’ve written! (that and the slight social anxiety of hoping everyone likes me!!)
How will you be spending Christmas this year? Any crazy traditions?
I think everyone’s Christmas is kind of crazy! Both sides of our family live fairly far away so the craziness involves lots of driving. There will be a big family party with my side – my parents, their 7 children with their partners and the 13 grandchildren – it’s very, very loud. Then we’ll go to my husband’s family which will be a bit quieter and my children will be spoilt rotten 🙂
And then there’s the ‘Advent Jars‘ of course 😉

What is your favourite dessert? All the gooey details please..
I like really cheap rubbish trifle! (I like homemade trifle too but supermarket trifles are probably my favourite 😉 )
What is your favourite room in your house?
My bedroom. It’s really small and we’ve hung a tv on the wall so I can lie in bed and watch TV and pretend I’m in a hotel room.
In which ways do you entertain your children?
Err they watch a lot of TV 😉
E is almost 8 so he doesn’t really need entertaining in the same way. He talks to (at) me all day long given the choice. We like to play board games as a family and he quite likes to make things with my sewing machine (well start making things). His favourite thing to do at the weekend is wear his pjs all day and hang around the house!
Little Miss is 17 months. She loves being outside. I don’t know if it’s because I’m a different parent this time round or her nature is just different but ‘shoes’ was one of her first words -by which she means, ‘Put my shoes on and take me outside please!’
How do you store your memories?
Badly – with no system! I post a lot on Facebook and I love the ‘on this day’ feature. I have a ‘perpetual journal’ that I’m rubbish at keeping up with. We put photos in flickr. (I think there’s some kind of backup but I stay out of the technical stuff 😉 )
Are you a savoury or sweet type of person?
Argh – I think this is the hardest question!! I like snacks 🙂 I don’t mind if they’re sweet or savoury. Through both pregnancies I ‘craved’ crisps and jelly sweets!
If you could go anywhere where would it be?
I love exploring new places but I don’t really have a wishlist. I’ve never been out of Europe so I’d love to explore the world a bit further afield – although long-haul flights with young children doesn’t sound like fun!
Is there anything you’ve ever regretted?
I don’t think I really have regrets but I definitely have ‘what ifs’
We never intended to have such a massive age gap between our two children and while they absolutely adore each other I am aware that I still haven’t given either of them a playmate. I grew up in a crazy noisy household where there was always someone to play with and I feel sad sometimes that they can’t really play together in the same kind of way.

What is the best thing you have ever made?
I love to make things! I just flicked through the sewing category here on the blog and this train play mat this stood out because E. played with it for so long. It isn’t the most difficult thing I’ve ever made but it was well loved (and kept him quiet in coffee shops!)
Thank you Karen! That took a lot more thought than I expected.
- Thanks to Cara L McKee for joining in. I love reading Cara’s poetry so I’m looking forward to reading her answers!
- If anyone else wants to join in let me know and I’l tag you in the post
Here are my questions – you’re supposed to tag 5 other people to play!
- How long have you been blogging? Do you think your blog now is different than how you imagined it would be?
- If you could write a letter to yourself the day before your first child was born what would you write?
- What’s your favourite Christmas tradition?
- What’s something that everyone else seems to love that you just don’t get?
- What’s your worst habit?
- What was your favourite subject in school? Does this have any relation to your life now?
- What would be your secret super power?
- Do you feel like a ‘grown up’? Why?
- What would you serve at a dinner party (and would you be the chef?)
- If you could have been born into any period of history when would that be?