It’s been a strange year, one that I’m hoping has turned a corner now. I had to go back to work full time while my amazing husband stayed home with our little one. We’ve now moved to London and I’m back at home for the time being while my husband is working crazy (or what feels like crazy to us) hours in the city.
I’m planning on getting back to making; initially working through the backlog of presents and things I told myself I’d make. It’s also likely that our – not so little – boy will miss the start of school so I’m planning lots of homeschooling type of experiences.
We do have a garden now which we have no clue what to do with!
I know there are lots of posts with missing photos – it’s on my list! I’ve also got a load of pictures to upload of things I made for Christmas! Comments are still disabled (I hope) but do come and say hi on Facebook