Creative Block

I’m hoping this post really should be called “the other side of the creative block”!

Some of my very good friends had a major life event happen 4 months ago!! I wont give any details because it’s not my story to tell but it’s something that they – and so because I love them I- have been waiting for for a very long time. My initial thought was I must make them something really thoughtful and amazing to show them how happy I am for them and how much I love them. But, my own life was totally crazy at the time; I was working full time while my husband was completely changing his career path.

So I spent a long time with no inspiration and then when I had some I just couldn’t picture how I would do it and then I just couldn’t start. Of course at that point a normal person would have just bought a lovely present – probably via amazon so they could deliver it directly and promise herself she would make something at a later date.

Instead what I did was to keep it at the top of my list. In the meantime 3 more couples have had  similar (although without such a complicated back story) life events. I usually make presents for friends at those times and have a stash of ideas of things I can make reasonably easily but I couldn’t push the first one off the top of the list so those people are still waiting too (Obviously I’m not so vain as to think people have given more than a passing thought to their lack of present or even a card from me). Again I could have just bought a nice present but, as I keep telling myself, I like to make presents!!!

The point of this long waffly post is that I’ve done it; I’ve finally finished the present and sent it.  My ever supportive husband even said, “Oh that looks nicer than I thought it would look.”

(The blurring is there on purpose – that bit says the family name)

To all our much loved friends who might think their special times went by unnoticed – I’m sorry, it turns out I’m practically insane and I might just let my husband be in charge of gifts from now on. They’ll probably come from amazon and if he’s feeling flush he might even pay for wrapping but they will at least come in a reasonable time frame.

(Comments are off but feel free to come and tell me how silly I am on Facebook!)

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As I said in my Garden Soup post I am planning on having a weekly or fortnightly  play theme until Boo gets a school place (because we moved well after the deadline for school applications we have to wait for a place to become available).

I think we’ve pretty much finished the garden theme now so I’ll have to come up with a new one for the next few weeks. Here’s a few of the things we’ve been up to.

A lot of weeding

and wheelbarrowing (is that a word?)


and watering.

Until we created a little bit of garden just for Boo. (Here is my inspiration) It’s hard to get a good shot because it’s in a shady corner but it was lots of fun to create and has given him something to do in the garden on his own – so I can sit and read a book and pretend to myself that I’m encouraging a love of reading by modelling reading!

We’ve also made a lot of mud pies

and had a lot of picnics. Boo loves the picnic basket. It was a wedding gift from some very dear friends so I always smile when we use it. I’ve got a few ideas of how we can use it for other play so it’s probably going to appear many more posts.

We’ve also been to ‘the picking place’ a few times. We’re really lucky to have this close by since we’re not likely to be particularly successful at actually growing much.

It’s been fun, we’ll probably carry on with the loose theme to our weeks because it helps to structure the days where there’s not much else going on.

(As usual comments are off but come and say hi on Facebook or send me an email – I love to hear what you think and any more ideas for themed weeks would be appreciated)


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Mr and Mrs

Argh How can it be more than two weeks since I blogged? I thought I was getting the hang of this!

We’re vaguely unpacked and I’ve even managed a bit of sewing. Of course I haven’t managed to take any decent photos. My niece who’s birthday was earlier this month wanted a hand-muff for her birthday so I made her one using this tutorial unfortunately I totally forgot to take a picture at all. The tutorial was really easy to follow and I think she likes it – hopefully she wont have lost it before it’s actually cold enough to use it.

I also did a hoodie for my sister and her new hubby.

They wore them the day before the wedding while we were getting everything ready. (I say we but I didn’t really do much mainly because Boo and I were stuck in dreadful traffic all the way there!)

The “Mr” one says, “And they lived…” so they look cute from the front too. I was pretty happy with the hand embroidery. I might have made up tho technique but it’s more likely I read how to do it somewhere but I didn’t save the link.

What I did was print out the text I wanted then trace it onto some greaseproof paper (obviously proper tracing paper would work although I think the rubbish thin stuff is better than the high quality kind) Then I pinned the traced writing  inside-out onto the back of the fabric I was stitching on and stitched over it to make the letters. I ended up with the paper sewn onto the back of the fabric but because it’s really thin it tears away really easily.

I’ve always been a bit nervous of hand embroidery because I don’t really like my handwriting so this is a great technique for me. I love to learn new ways of doing things and there’s probably a much easier way of doing it so if you’ve got a different way be sure to pop over to my Facebook page and let me know.

I can make these for sale if if anyone is interested I can price them up properly, they’ll be around £25-£30 each plus postage.

(As usual comments are disabled but I love hearing from you on Facebook)


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Garden Soup

I’m planning on vaguely following a weekly theme  for the summer holidays (and possibly beyond since we moved house well after the deadline for applying for school places!!) For the last two weeks it’s been ‘garden’

Of course I started with a pinterest board

The last few days we’ve been making Garden Soup. I thought I’d basically made it up but I must have read it on Happy Hooligans and absorbed it. (I love, love, love Happy Hooligans by the way I would totally move to Canada just so Boo could go to Jackie’s daycare) Here’s the link 

We don’t have a low table for the garden so I turned over a few plastic crates – this turned out to be a great plan because it makes the pack up really easy

 I grabbed a couple of spoons and some jugs from the kitchen but everything else was from my random collection of things I keep for play.

There was a lot of pouring…

and a lot of cutting. Boo is a bit reluctant to cut when crafting so this was brilliant for that.

When we ran out of bits to cut up he went to find some more.  (Any advice on how to sort out this bed would be appreciated!)

Then everything got a big stir…

and then a bit more pouring and we were ready to eat.

I had to remind him not to eat it – I guess the actual water made him think that it was fine to drink!


Let me know if you have a go. It’s easy to set up and great fun.


As usual comments are disabled but come and say hi on Facebook I like to think I’m not talking to myself

Posted in Pre-school, Sensory play | 1 Comment

Christmas Presents!!

Yes I know it’s August.

I started blogging a few years ago to make myself  keep a record of the things I’ve made.  When I went through to fix all of the photos I really enjoyed looking at the old posts so I figured I’d update these bits anyway.

Last Christmas I made most of the presents for my nieces and nephews (and a few things for Boo as well)

I made 2 of these using this tutorial. It was easy to follow but obviously pretty fiddly. Boo refuses to wear his but I’m informed that  my nephew wears his!

I think I used this tutorial for these crowns. They aren’t quite the same but I used the measurement to get the right kind of sizes

I loved making these wands, the look really effective and great fun to play with . The tutorial can be found here

I’ve made these bean bags before (see post) They’re easy to make and a perfect size for little hands.



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